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Mi primer equipo de anestesia |
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¡Bienvenido al Blog de Anestesiología Mexicana en Internet! |
Anestesiología Mexicana en Internet (AMI) inició en marzo de 1997. Página electrónica oficial de Anestesiólogos Mexicanos en Internet, A.C. Asociación organizadora del Congreso Virtual Mexicano de Anestesiología ( |
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Sobre mí |
Luis Federico Higgins Guerra
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Anestesiología en Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía 'Dr. Manuel Velasco Suárez. Subespecialidad en Neuroanestesiología (INNN). Autor del libro 'Anestesia Obstétrica' (2008, 2a edición, El Manual Moderno).
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26 de Agosto, 2009
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[Del artículo: The Myth of Baby "Anaesthesia". Ray J. Defalque, Anesthesiology 2009;111:682]
James Young Simpson (1811–1870), the young professor of midwifery at the University of Edinburgh, became chairman of that department at age 28. He discovered the anesthetic properties of chloroform on the evening of November 4, 1847, while inhaling it with two colleagues and some family members in his dining room at 42 Queen Street, Edinburgh. Four days later he administered chloroform for a few minor operations, and the next day, November 9, he performed the first delivery under chloroform.
He reported the details of the event at the November 10 meeting of the Edinburgh Medico-Surgical Society and a few days later in two medical journals. The patient was an anxious young woman who had barely slept the two previous nights. Her first baby had been delivered by craniotomy after a... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
higgins a las 21:47 · Sin comentarios
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29 de Septiembre, 2008
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Los siguientes párrafos están publicados en la revista Anaesthesia. El artículo se titula: Centenary of Anaesthesia in Great Britain, por AD Marston, Presidente de la Asociación de Anestesistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda. Publicación de 1947.
The observance of anniversaries is an ancient and honoured tradition in our custom-loving land, and it is probable that the centenary of anasthesia will be associated with much gratitude and genuine thanksgiving. In gratitude we shall honour the memory of pioneers who made freedom from operative pain the common heritage of mankind.
In these 'days of increasing co-operation and understanding with our American cousins it is pleasing to know that most of the original scientitic research, and certainly its successful application to clinical medicine, was carried out by citizens of the English speaking race on both sides of the Atlantic.
We must give honour where honour is due, and here it is well to remember that the whole credit for the... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
higgins a las 01:45 · Sin comentarios
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