Iatrogenic epidermoid tumor: late complication of lumbar puncture. Per H, Kumandaş S, Gümüş H. J Child Neurol. 2007 Mar;22(3):332-6. Department of Pediatric Neurology, Erciyes University, Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey. Mail: huseyinper@yahoo.com
Intraspinal epidermoid tumors can be congenital and acquired. Acquired intraspinal epidermoid tumors are extremely rare. Epidermal elements are implanted into the arachnoid space by trauma, spinal anesthesia, surgery, bullet wounds, myelography, or lumbar puncture. Approximately 40% of acquired epidermoid tumors are considered a late complication of lumbar puncture. The authors report the case of an 8-year-old boy who presented with a 1-year history of back and hip pain and radiating pain to both thighs posterior. Lumbar puncture was performed in the neonatal intensive care unit to rule out meningitis in the patient's past medical history. The... Continuar leyendo